🎉 Congratulations December 2024 Leaderboard Winner!
Hey Bluebeam Community!
We’re excited to announce the top contributor for December 2024!
For more information on Leaderboards, please visit this link.
🥇 Winner: @Shaya Birnbaum
Shaya has been incredibly active, assisting peers with their questions, sharing valuable insights, and even providing thoughtful feedback in the Product Ideas category. With an impressive 11 badges already under his belt, Shaya is truly making a difference in the community!
Rewards for Shaya
🎁 $50 Snappy Gift of your choice via email!
🏅 Special Badge and Extra Points!
🏆 Spot in our Hall of Fame coming soon!
Join us in celebrating Shaya and keep the momentum going in the Bluebeam Community! 👏
Join in conversations and stay active for a chance to win next month’s leaderboard!
Oh wow, thank you! What a fantastic way to start the new year. I've learned so much from this community and feel truly humbled to be recognized among such incredible contributors. Let's keep this momentum going and continue learning from one another!
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Congratulations, @Shaya Birnbaum!! Thank you for your insightful contributions to Bluebeam Community! You are appreciated by your peers & the entire Bluebeam team. Way to go, Shaya!
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Well done @Shaya Birnbaum it's great to see so many active users here contributing both questions and answers.
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