Option to disable dimming markups when filtered out
I don't see that there is an option to disable the automatic dimming of markups when filtering the Markups List. This creates challenges in workflows where supporting sketches are drawn to provide visual context for comments but are not meant to appear as actionable items in the Markups List.
Currently, when filtering the Markups List (e.g., to show only "Review Comments"), all non-matching markups, including supporting sketches, are automatically grayed. This makes the sketches harder to see which reduces their visibility and effectiveness.
Proposed Solution: Add an option to toggle the "Dim Unselected Markups" behavior when filters are applied to the Markups List. Please!
@Sondra.Camis There is a preference that may help this situation! Under Revu → Preferences (Ctrl + K), go to the Interface tab and then Markups List. Filtered Annotation Dim defaults to 40%. Changing to 100% provides greater visibility while still greyed out.
Here is an example of a filtered markup at 100%.
Here it is at 40%.
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@Ryan Arbuckle - Thank you for the response. I did see that preference option, but the markups are still in gray even at 100%. I really want the color!!
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