Add 'Synchronize Scroll' view option

I'm running into a problem where I am trying to review a construction schedule, and the creator hasn't made any efforts to improve legibility. It's very difficult to review Gantt chart bars at the right half of the page and be zoomed in far enough to read the item and dates on the left side.

I realized it would be very helpful to have something like a Synchronize Scroll such that I could Split Vertical the page, adjust each tab so I see the two appropriate portions of the page, then have the two tabs scroll (i.e. vertically only) in synchronization with each other.

I could see this also being useful sometimes when working with very large equpment/door/etc schedules that span the width of a drawing sheet.

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  • Hi @michael miller! Have you tried Synchronize View? F8 (or Tools —> Toolbars) will turn on the Status Bar at the bottom revealing the arrow icon for it. When it's blue, it's active. You can also go to View —> Synchronize. This will allow scrolling in both tabs. Hope this helps!

    Split, sync, and unsplit views | Bluebeam Technical Support

  • Thanks for the response @Ryan Arbuckle but that doesn't do what I requested. Following your directions, when I split a page, adjust so I'm seeing the right side in the right tab and the left in the left, then enable Sync Document, BB refocuses one tab so that the two tabs are showing the exact same area of the page (which then scrolls in sync). That doesn't help anything with my request — I want to be able to view different sides of the same page, but have them scroll vertically in sync, so that rows in a table, for example, stay aligned across the two tabs.

  • Luke Shiras
    Luke Shiras Posts: 399

    @michael miller I hadn't needed this but I can see how something to solve this problem would be a huge benefit. Even being able to do this with large schedules would be handy. This needs to work like Excel's Freeze Panes but can lock the syncing vertically or horizontally depending on which part of the table needs to stay put.