Is it possible to have markup status change only the fill color of a callout?

Hello all!

We have Bluebeam Revu 20 currently.

We're setting up standard custom toolboxes for all our PMs and engineers to use for redlining plans. One request or wish, is to have the callout markup remain the same color but have the background or fill color change when the markups status is changed.

For example: the callout fill color initially is white or no fill, then once markup is changed to a completed status, the fill changes to yellow.

Thanks for any input, even if it is to confirm this is not possible.

Best Answer

  • Luke Shiras
    Luke Shiras Posts: 409
    edited November 2024 Answer ✓

    This was asked a while back and I don't think it can be done. One issue is that not all markups have a background/fill color to change. @Carina suggested using yellow for the changed status to get a similar effect.

    I prefer greying out the picked-up comments, but that's just my preference. Sometimes, we have to let our procedures to evolve with the software we use. Some of our "best practices" are born out of fixing a limitation in our old software, but rather than carrying that workaround, we find a new "best practice"

    Forgetting how things were done in AutoCAD was the biggest hurdle when switching to Revit. Just like switching from hand-drawing to AutoCAD had some paradigm shifts.
