batch session ownership transfer
I have a colleague who is leaving the company who has created many Studio Sessions.
As things stand now, I will need to transfer each of these sessions manually in Prime which will take many hours. I asked technical support about this and they confirmed there is no better way.
This would not be a big deal if Sessions didn't get automatically "archived" then deleted after a short period of not being used with the only warning being an email to the session owner.
Am not a "beginner" despite the purple logo next to my name.
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Those are only Community labels, @Margaret Collins. We do appreciate you letting us know and posting this feedback for our Product group.
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Would it help this transition if your temporarily shared the leaving team member's credentials to log in to their sessions until they are finished? I know the duplication, identity sharing, and redundant emails could be a pain, but maybe less than you have now, @Margaret Collins?
Also, I thought that permissions allowed the session creator to make others have their same levels as session owners. Do I remember that incorrectly?🤔
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Everyone on my team (document management) has full permissions on all of our sessions. I just feel like there should be an easier way to do this (and I wish sessions didn't expire, like they didn't back when we were using Enterprise.)
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