Bluebeam Sets won't print the latest revision
I have a .bex file (aka Bluebeam Sets) that I had been able to print the latest revisions just fine… until recently.
Now, when anyone on the team goes to print the latest revisions, the Print diolog seems to list all the pages for each combined PDF, and only print the first chunk of pages.
(The example below shows eight combined sets, but the total number of sheets printed at the bottom shows only the number from the first: 1-575).
What am I missing?
I am hesitant to post anything to potentially insult your intelligence, but Bluebeam usually has two or three ways to do things like PRINT SET. In the BB Sets Sidebar, under Sets menu/Print Set, is your team selecting the Print Latest Revisions option?
Also, in the Sets menu, could it be possible that Select Previous Revisions was picked before printing?
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