Brother MFC-J4345DW unable to duplex scan
Title says it all. I worked with BB help and Danny found that this is an ongoing issue with this printer. Per Danny "I did some digging internally on this issue, specifically on that Brother printer and found that Revu is not compatible with duplex scanning. However, I could definitely see how it would be useful".
This is a deal breaker for me and I will not complete the purchase of the Bluebeam app.
Hi Fred,
Thank you so much for reaching out to us about this issue, and we've taken note of your request. While we may not be able to accommodate every feature request, we greatly value knowing which features are important to you.
While we understand your interest, we’re currently focusing on other priorities. Is there another way we can assist you? Please let us know if there’s anything else we can do or if you have any other questions. We look forward to potentially collaborating on future projects.
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Just wanted to add a little information as well, though I understand it likely won't suffice for your workflow Fred.
As long as you can get the scans onto your computer, they can be worked on in Bluebeam.
So you can either
A. Use another software to Duplex scan to PDF, and then open those files in Bluebeam or
B. Duplex scan them in using the printer - then convert the scans to PDF using the Bluebeam Stapler.You can find more info on using the Bluebeam Stapler here
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