Split Window Page-turner Navigation
I would love it if we could have a functionality where 2 separate PDF's that are the same (except there is an older dated version and a new one) could be seen side by side, and when I hit the next or previous button the page turns simultaneously on both windows; to make the process of page-tuner comparison between 2 sets more efficient click-wise! (see red markups below)
Best Answers
Try this button on the bottom of your screen…
Also, it's spelled synchronize. Don't be fooled by my typo.
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If you can't find the button pointed out, press F8 or use the picture below to find this option via the drop-down menu. Don't forget to save your Profile so the Synchronise Sheets/Pages option is always on your User Interface.
Thank you! I am still unsure of how the page synchronize actually works, but the document one does pretty much what I requested. did not know this was an option!
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If you have your screens split on separate tabs (either vertically, or horizontally), you can also get this feature by going to the View menu, then selecting either 'Synchronize Document' or 'Synchronize Page'.
Synchronizing the document will flip pages of both PDFs at the same time (which works well if all your sheets are ordered the same in both PDFs). Synchronizing the page will just sync the movement of the current pages that are open (and will not flip pages between both PDFs).Remember to turn off the synchronization when you are done, as it doesn't turn off automatically.
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The problem with Bluebeam is there are too many features to just "know" them all. It's asking questions like yours or watching someone else use it to learn many of the things Bluebeam can do. Keep asking and reading here and you'll learn tons of cool tricks. 😉
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illich Mujica have you used the Batch Overlay to compare? This is a really quick process and then the old and new drawings are shown on one sheet, separated by individual sheet with different colors. It is much faster and more accurate than trying to visually see the changes.
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That's an excellent point @Mark Gerving. I was so focused on the immediate problem that I overlooked the bigger picture. Overlay would be a better tool for achieving your end goal @illich Mujica
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