Navigation window on secondary screen
Currently, the navigation tools are only present on the primary screen when using multiple monitors. This requires you to move your mouse from the secondary screen to the primary screen every time you use a navigation tool. This takes extra time and can be confusing. I suggest duplicating the navigation toolbar on the secondary screen when in use.
There's a lot of toolbars I'd like on both screens. Would be nice to have a "floating window" toolbar configuration like we do with profiles.
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Years ago I requested this and still think this would be beneficial. I see others have also requested it. Would be great to be able to have the navigation bar show up on the file viewer page when on a different screen than the main BB screen. It's a hassle to go to a different screen to use the navigation bar for the other screen.
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I requested this over five years ago and haven't seen any progress so I went on to suggest again today. Looks like others are having the same suggestions. Keep it up as this would be great addition.
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As a workaround, you can open multiple instances of Revu such that each screen has the full UI. If you hold down SHIFT while clicking the Revu icon in the taskbar it will open another instance.
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If we want to open a document from BB session in multiple screen then opening multiple instances of Revu does not help as we will get logged out of the previous BB session.
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