Combined Spreadsheet
Our company recently joined Bluebeam by consolidating 13 different Business Units into one account. We will need to allocate the costs and would like to respectfully request a single spreadsheet download of all users which would include their email address. This would be very helpful as of now I navigate to each BU, download their spreadsheet, copy and paste into a master sheet. Thank you for the consideration.
Not sure if I follow your question. Is this a BB issue or a Excel spreadsheet issue. Need a little more information or examples.
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It sounds like it is an administration issue where they want to see who is using Bluebeam and how often they are using it so they can distribute the cost of the software to the various Business Units based on how much each one uses it.
Unfortunately, I don't think Bluebeam can do that since one of the biggest requests here in the community is greater admin control over which users are actively using Bluebeam, , how often, etc.
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