Stamps Disappearing in Studio Sessions

Wondering if anyone else is having an issue with Bluebeam Stamps (and sometimes text) disappearing, specifically in Studio Sessions? we have noticed it multiple times. Typically the user who placed the stamp is able to see the stamp on their end, but other users can not and these stamps can get lost when finishing a studio session.

Additionally, we save our files in a SharePoint folder and will re-upload the same documents to Studio Sessions until they are ultimately approved. Somewhere during this process stamps and text disappear.

I am going to try using Grouped Markups instead of Stamps to see if this is better. Anyone else encounter this and have any tips?



  • Luke Shiras
    Luke Shiras Posts: 243

    I want to understand your workflow better.

    You start a Session and upload a PDF (File A). Then you do some markups and save the file locally, then move it to SharePoint.

    Later, you take the SharePoint copy and upload it to the Session as File A.v2 , correct? Repeating this processes several times over the course of a project.

    At which stage do you see the stamps and text missing? The stamp goes missing during the markup phase and the text goes missing between Session versions?

  • I am having the same issue with Revu with a little twist. I place multiple symbols on the drawing for house, as i navigate through the drawing, i'll notice one of the symbols disappeared, so i place another symbol in its place, then the original symbol pops back up!

    When i notice a symbol missing, i can hit save and the symbol will reappear. I can also click the area where the symbol was and i can see the box with the yellow dots outlining the symbol but the symbol is not visible, I've tried Bring to Front and Back, that doesn't work…I'll hit save and the symbol will reappear!!

    Any ideas?

  • @Luke Shiras We start a studio session and upload drawings/files. Multiple viewers (4 or 5) will review the documents and add stamps, text and other markups. Once complete, we finish the studio session and save the files (with the markups) to a Sharepoint Folder.

    Stamps/text sometimes disappear:
    1. before the studio session has finished
    2. When starting a new studio session to re-review the same marked-up drawings
    3. When opening the sharepoint file in Bluebeam

    When the stamp disappears during the studio session, often times the user who placed to original stamp can view their stamp but other users can not. If the studio session is still active and the original users clicks on that stamp, this often immediately allows other users to view it.
    When opening a Sharepoint file we can see the stamp if opening the document with another app, but not Bluebeam.

    The most common stamp that disappears is our signature stamps. This is where we use Microsoft's "snipping tool" to snip a scan of our signature and create a Bluebeam Stamp with it. However we have also seen other Bluebeam stamps such as date stamps, and even text, disappear.

  • Luke Shiras
    Luke Shiras Posts: 243

    Thanks for the very detailed answer and I wish I had a solution for you but it sounds like a challenge for an actual Bluebeam employee to solve. @Marco M who would be best able to help with this issue?

    @Brianne Anic do different people create these sessions or is it always the same user? I ask because I'm hoping that one user could reinstall Bluebeam to fix some hidden glitch. Unfortunately, it could be any one of the users with a corrupted install or it might not be a user generated problem at all (a bad stamp/tool or something on the server)

    Whatever it is, I'm very curious to find out what it is and how to fix it.

  • @Luke Shiras There are about 4 different users that create the Studio Sessions. The issues do not appear to be specific to one users Studio Sessions unfortunately.
    Thanks for your help!