Spaces Cutout
It would be nice to see a cutout feature for spaces. Similar to the way its done with the area measurement.
Hi Adam,
Thanks for your post. How would you use that?
Katie0 -
I use spaces when doing estimates for Electrical. For example, I will create a space for an entire parkade level, as well as spaces for individual rooms. When I complete the takeoff, I export to a CSV file and add it to a database that will track $/sf for all these rooms. This gives me the ability to quickly generate budget numbers if needed as well as a good base point for cross checking estimates.
Because I cannot cutout the individual spaces, i have to manipulate the exported names on the CVS file before I can add them to our database.
1 -
This is helpful, Adam. Thanks for sharing the additional detail.
0 -
Could you use Dynamic fill and have it based on your Spaces to do this?
0 -
I just tried this, but it has the same issue. It won't leave a cutout, as soon as the dynamic fill wraps fully around a cutout, it fills it as well. I do like the Dynamic Fill feature, but the drawings I get from the engineers often are not drawn in a way where the Dynamic Fill feature could be useful.
0 -
I am color coding a set of drawings for scoping purposes, so I am not using measurements. However I can't back out items that are 'islands' within a scope area. Seems like adding an area cutout option would be pretty straightforward.
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