Thumbnail Sort by label/ plan set/ date
Looking for a way to add several Addendums into one file and sort the thumbnails based on the latest version.
Unfortunately, we will get several addendums at a time and need to merge all pages manually to be sure we are not missing any changes between all the addendums.
Today the only option I have is to extract all files individually and staple in a separate folder than restaple when in the correct order.
Any other tip/ tricks to keeping up with the plans?
I'm curious about your workflow here.
If I understand correctly, you receive addendum 1-10 at the same time, and some of those have changes to the same sheets. So if sheets 1, 3, and 8 are part of multiple addendum, you want to make sure all versions are included in a consolidated set in the proper order, correct? We're assuming full-size addendum, not 8.5x11 partial views.
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