Sequential Labels on an area measurement?
I am doing window and door takeoffs, basically placing a bunch of rectangular area measurements and then manually labeling each one, "W101, W102, W 103" I can't understand why there is no way to make this automatic. I have played around with the custom formula columns but I havent been able to make anything work so far. The alternative here would be for me to just manually put in dimensions and use the sequencing tool, but I'm not sure why one markup can't do both things?
Let me know if you know of a workaround - thanks!
Hi Mark! This is good feedback - unfortunately I can't think of anything outside of Sequences that really handles this need, which is why I asked to move this to Product feedback so it can get added to our team's queue. If someone has a workaround however, I still encourage them to post!
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I will add its important that the the area measurement markup itself is what needs the sequenced tag, either as its label, or as a custom column. I'm not looking for just a visual representation, the purpose of this primarily is to export in an excel table for my pricing spreadsheet. I suppose I could add the tags afterwards in excel, but then the markup summary is also missing that information.
Is there a way to use a formula in the custom columns that will just automatically add one to the previous instance, or do formulas work exclusively within their own rows?0
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