Community Piloteer Program is wrapping up!
Hi Bluebeamers!
As we wrap up our Bluebeam Community Piloteer Program, we want your feedback on Bluebeam Community! Please complete the survey here!
This Bluebeam Community is for all of YOU and we want to hear your thoughts before we officially launch and welcome users like you from across the globe. We appreciate your participation and can't wait for this to be official :)
The site is VERY difficult to navigate.
Labs is supposed to be a sub community of this main one, but there's no link to it that I can see.
A lot of things need to be easier to get to0 -
@Doug McLean - In addition to the Labs navigation, can you share what specifically is difficult to navigate and/or find in Bluebeam Community? Thank you!
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We appreciate the feedback, @Doug McLean!
We made it a bit easier to navigate to Bluebeam Labs:
You can use the globe/subcommunity drop-down menu located at the top-right of every community page.
You can now also use the main navigation, under Product, to visit Bluebeam Labs.
Hope this helps! If there's anything else you'd like to mention, please let us know.
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I'd love to see some sort of monthly wrap up and know what suggestions were taken out of the comments and will be implemented in future updates.
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Great idea, @STR - Kristin! We'll look into this idea for the future!
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