
Hello everybody, thanks for joining! As you noticed Bluebeam is using a new platform for the group - hence the need to “join”.

Looking forward to meeting everybody!

If everyone could comment on their level of Bluebeam experience, or their favorite feature that would be cool 😎

I personally think the custom columns feature is 🔥


  • What's up ya'll. I've recently found out about the Bluebeam University (attended a few courses), and the Bluebeam community. I've been using Bluebeam for around 3 years and continue to add to my tips and tricks library:

    • Keyboard shortcuts to hide/unhide menus
    • CTRL and mouse wheel to scroll vertically or zoom in
    • CTRL+SHIFT and mouse wheel to scroll horizontally
    • SHIFT to takeoff with straight lines, CTRL+left click to takeoff a radius.

    Experience level: Intermediate?

    Favorite Feature: Custom columns and tool customization.