Portland Bluebeam User Group (PdxBUG)
About PdxBUG
PdxBUG launched in January 2018. The BUG’s champions, who were collaborators on a building project at the time, said “let’s start a BUG” after discovering that they were both interested in learning how their peers in the Portland region were using Bluebeam® Revu®. The group now includes a healthy variety of leaders from the AEC industry.
These champions are passionate about the industry and using Revu in innovative ways. PdxBUG welcomes new and experienced users of Revu who are excited to learn and share their industry experiences with the group!
Companies Involved
Hoffman Construction ▪️ ZGF Architects ▪️ Skanska ▪️ KPFF Consulting Engineers ▪️ PAE Engineers ▪️ SJS VDC Inc.
Meet your local BUG leaders!
Al Gensitskiy
Al came to the US from Ukraine with his parents in the 1990s. He grew up in the PDX metro area and became an electrical apprentice in 2009. Finishing his apprenticeship, he became a journeyman wireman in 2014.
Throughout his career, Al has worked for various electrical contractors in the Pacific Northwest before coming over to work as a business developer for SJS VDC Inc., an electrical BIM/VDC company. Al believes that leadership is the most important skill anyone can have.