Multiple Studio Sessions Open At One Time

ALipinski Posts: 5
edited June 3 in Peer Support

Often I need to be able to look at two studio sessions at one time (structural studio session and a mechanical studio session). Can this please be added so that users can be in multiple sessions at any given time?


Best Answer

  • Luke Shiras
    Luke Shiras Posts: 316
    Answer ✓

    Can this be accomplished by launching Bluebeam twice? May not be as convenient but could you open separate sessions in each or will it still only recognize one session?


  • Marco M
    Marco M Posts: 151

    This discussion has been moved from Product Ideas to the Talk Bluebeam topic to gain more comments and visibility. However, this feedback has been recorded and sent to our Product Team.

  • Liz Larsen
    Liz Larsen Posts: 6

    Luke is correct. You can just open a another instance of Bluebeam to join a 2nd Session.

  • ALipinski
    ALipinski Posts: 5

    Thanks, I think this is a temporary fix. It does kick you off one of them though every now and again as it registers that you have it Studio open twice