function to hide/collapse pages in a document

nyang Posts: 1
edited August 2024 in Peer Support

Hello! hope this message finds you well.

I recently came across a document containing multiple pages and comments on each page. Suppose it's a 30-page document and the pages & comments that apply to me are on 3~9, 14~15, the rest of the comments apply to my team members.

I didn't want to flip thru the in between pages that weren't for me, and i didn't want to delete the pages or rearrange the page order for the sake of record keeping (even tho it's a copy) since the document came from the client. I went searching on google to see if there's a hide/collapse pages function in bluebeam, much like hiding/collapsing grouped rows or columns in excel (and i suppose in word as well when you collapse a section), and couldn't find any. then i reached out to technical support and they directed me here.

i love BB and would love to see a function or similar like this.

thank you for your time!


  • Luke Shiras
    Luke Shiras Posts: 452

    Would this be for a Studio Session or a locally stored file?

    In the meantime, you could bookmark only the pages you want to reference. It doesn't help with scrolling but it would make it easier to skip those extra pages.

  • Ashley Cox
    Ashley Cox Posts: 15

    The Create Bookmarks function is probably going to be the most helpful tool to you. You can use this to create bookmarks from the page labels if they are detailed enough, or you can use the Page Region function to use Automark to capture a spot on the page to name your bookmarks after (such as the title block). You can bookmark all the pages and then remove the pages that don't apply to your work, or you can type in specific page numbers and only bookmark those. You can also nest bookmarks under a header so you don't have to see the ones you don't want. Additionally, you can export your chosen bookmarks into a hyperlinked cover page and attach it to the front of your document.

    Another option that might work for you is using the search function to find those specific comments that apply to you. You can use this tool to find them, highlight them, and even hyperlink them.

    And, if you want to get really specific with hyperlinks and navigating your document. You can use Batch > Link to make chosen phrases link where you need them to.

  • Marco M
    Marco M Posts: 188

    This discussion has been moved from Product Ideas to the Tips & Tricks topic to gain more comments and visibility. However, this feedback has been recorded for our Product Team.

  • Vfortin
    Vfortin Posts: 1
    edited February 19

    We use Studio to monitor the fabrication of our electrical enclosures. Additionally, we apply an electrical signature by converting the PDF to a PDF/A format, making it immutable. However, some pages are not relevant to certain recipients, and we would prefer to hide them temporarily rather than remove them. Currently, we print only the necessary pages for distribution, but this process removes both the electrical signature and the hyperlinks, which are essential for navigation.