How do I know if I liked it?
I've noticed on this platform that the "Like" icon doesn't change if you already "liked" a post/comment. Most places I've been would make the number bold or fill in the thumbs-up icon, or something similar when you had voted. Is that possible to do here?
Hey @Luke Shiras,
This is currently a limitation with the platform. There is only a visual identifier as soon as you Like a post. You'll notice that it's highlighted in blue. However, after you leave the page or refresh, you can't really tell.
We do have the ability to display different variation of reactions, such as profile bubbles of all the members that have reacted, but we found it takes up more space. We're hoping this feature is improved in the future.
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That too! 😁
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Caught that fast, @Luke Shiras! Just updated this.
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I like the change :) Great suggestion @Luke Shiras
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