Edit time limit

Luke Shiras
Luke Shiras Posts: 336
edited May 20 in Community Hub

I'm not sure it matters but can the time limit to edit comments be extended?

Generally, 24 hours is enough but I want to clean up my "introduce yourself" post but the time has passed. Other times I need to fix a typo and may not notice it until the next day.



  • Aily Roper
    Aily Roper Posts: 29

    Good point, @Luke Shiras - we can definitely look into extending that time to edit a little bit longer. I hear you, I sometimes edit my messages the next day or so to add clarity, and fix typos etc. If we end up changing things around, I'll post an update here ☺️

  • Angela Aff
    Angela Aff Posts: 160

    Hey @Luke Shiras ! We just updated the editing time limit to one week. This may be a tad too long and we may shorten the time in the future, but hopefully this helps :)

  • Luke Shiras
    Luke Shiras Posts: 336

    Thanks. You're probably right about being too long but we'll settle on the appropriate length as we go.