Integration with Amanda7 by Granicus

Good day friends,
a full integration with Amanda7 permitting software would be absolutely fantasdtic.
Thank you so much for having this space to hear us professionals out.
Good day Alan, apologies on the tardy reply.
The biggest benefit would be the co-ordination of comments made on drawings using Bluebeam, would replicate in Amanda avoiding duplication of comments in both.
If there is an opportunity to discuss this further, please let me know.1 -
I'm curious about your workflow. Sounds like you (and your colleagues?) make comments to permit applications in Bluebeam and then need to transfer those comments to the Amanda platform. Is that correct? If so, why not comment directly in Amanda? Are you using Bluebeam Studio so all departments are commenting on the same file(s)?
1 -
agreed Luke, however our deficiencies get noted, collected & sent to the client for amending.
a benefit of having amanda & bluebeam 'talk' directly is the file management component.
we currently manage all of our files in windows explorer, then load the file path into amanda for reference. when reviewing the drawings in bluebeam, we pull the drawing file from windows explorer.
it is my hope that amanda can get to a place like cityview in partnership with bluebeam for permit management.0
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