👋 Introduce Yourself!
WOW, @Peter Martin !!! That is SO cool and absolutely stunning!!!
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Name: Glynis DeMone
Role and Company: Software Trainer @Bluebeam
Location: Fort Worth, TX
How long have you been using Bluebeam: 1 Month
Favorite Bluebeam Feature: Visual Search
Love: 👨👩👦 Family, 🎲Boardgames, 🐉D&D, 🏃Escape Rooms, 🏛️Architecture, 🔥Glass Blowing and ⛺️National Parks
Fun Fact: I made escape room style puzzles at my wedding that people had to solve to get their party favors!
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: MikeRole & Company
: Assistant PM at Cornerstone Contracting
: Chicago, IL
: Since 2018 - 6 years & counting
How long have you been using BluebeamFavorite Bluebeam feature
: Studio - for collaborating on projects
: Music, Dogs, & Japan
: Eating while walking is considered incredibly rude in Japan
Fun Fact3 -
: AngelaRole & Company
: Chief Estimator Construction Division PTE Systems
: Hialeah, FL
: 4 weeks
How long have you been using BluebeamFavorite Bluebeam feature
: Measuring tool
: Crystals and My family
: I'm a Reiki Master, Shaman and Sound and Crystal Vibrational Therapist
Fun Fact3 -
Hello All
Long time Bluebeam user, various applications over the years in the metal cladding industry
:Estimator at Home Hardware
: Temiskaming Shores, Ontario Canada
:Believe this is year 7 using Bluebeam
Fun Fact, I homestead in Northern Ontario and own a small punk rock record label and use Bluebeam to make concert posters!!
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: MatiasRole & Company
: Project- and project design engineer along with a touch of business development, digitalisation and experimental AI.
: Stockholm, Sweden
: Since 2017 perhaps
How long have you been using BluebeamFavorite Bluebeam feature
: Batch slip sheet
: Music, instruments and all things related to it.
: Sometimes when I get mad, I use creativity to wind down. This is a bass that I purchased, only to find out it was utterly useless. It now serves as a luminaire.
Fun Fact3 -
: Sumit RoyRole & Company
: Team Leader1 BIM Poweruser @ Canam Kolkata Inc.
: Kolkata, West Bengal, India
: since 2015
How long have you been using BluebeamFavorite Bluebeam feature
: Overlay Pages. With this feature life is so cool to work with revisions and change orders.
: Food, Music, Taking a walk in mountains, watching sunrise in the mountains, learning new things
: My 2nd Birthday!!! The day i had an accident at a construction site and luckily survived to know after "Life is so short and full of FUN". Thank GOD.
Fun Fact2 -
: Jorge ContrerasRole & Company
: Guru of all things for Facilities and Logistics at JPL
: Pasadena, CA
: 7 years, but always finding ways to improve our rollout and implementation.
How long have you been using BluebeamFavorite Bluebeam feature
: Reuse for sure, but other than that I have to say it is the customization of it all.
: To tinker with technology and improve efficiency via automation.
LoveProject and systems Administrator
Lean Six Sigma Black belt at JPL
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Name: Samir Sasmal
Role & Company: Drafting Coordinator @ Canam Kolkata Inc.
Location: Kolkata, Westbengal, India
How long have you been using Bluebeam: 10 Years
Favorite Blubeam Feature: Markup, Measure, Toolbars, Compare documents, overlay pages, Hyperlink, Sketch to scale and many more.
Love: Reading news, Time spend with Family, Travelling, Gardening and playing cricket.
Fun Fact: I love to watch the football match, but I can't play in the ground
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Name: Akhil Kundu
Role & Company: Tekla Software Leader @ Canam Kolkata Inc.
Location: Kolkata, West Bengal, India
How long have you been using Bluebeam: Since 2015
Favorite Blubeam Features: Measure, Markups, Compare documents, Overlay pages, Hyperlink, and more.
Love: Family, Music, Fine arts, dogs, Watching Web series and movies, Gardening, Travelling
Fun Fact: I like to make people laugh which sometimes helps them to come out of stress
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: Richard Gallant
Role & Company
: Project Manager, IDN Canada
Location:Prince Edward Island, Canada
How long have you been using Bluebeam: 1.5 Years
Favorite Bluebeam feature
: Split Vertical and Callout
Love: Basketball, listening to my favorite band - Nada Surf, Greek Food, Beaches and Island Life. Volunteering in the community. Doors & Hardware (even though sometimes I hate it) :)
Fun Fact: Moved to PEI from Ontario 5 years ago and I absolutely love it. Father of 2 incredible kids and husband to an amazing wife.
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