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Re: 🗓️ December 2024 Challenge - Year-End Workflow & Tool Tips!
Exporting schedules and turning them into usable Excel data has been my number one. Low key, number two is snapshotting a room tag that has been covered up by an engineers markup, pasting in place, changing colors on the snapshot from White to Clear, and flattening. Now me and the field can see what room tag was behind their markup!
Re: Inserting Files
Thank everyone for the responses. I also have technical support on it. My teammate performing the same function on the same file takes about 30 seconds instead of my 10 minutes.
Re: Keyboard shortcut to page number area in Navigation Bar
Similar feedback was shared here:
"Go To Page" Shortcut — Bluebeam Community
Which will be addressed in 21.4!
Re: Inserting Files
"Batch Slipsheet" with the option to "replace current pages with revised pages" might work. I recommend adding page labels (that match the drawing #) first & using the "manual correlation" option.
Bluebeam's page on this:
Re: Feature Highlight: Hiding Markups
@Duane Gingras - ahh good call out on filtering the Markups List. Thanks for mentioning this!
@Margaret Collins - so smart to do this during Sessions. I sometimes get overwhelmed when I see all the Markups. Thanks for sharing!
Re: Feature Highlight: Hiding Markups
This is very useful in sessions as we often have many people doing markups for different equipment at the same time.
Re: Use custom Keyboard Shortcuts
You rock, @Fleischmann David! I love that you created a keyboard shortcut for this. I agree - it makes things so much easier.
You should totally copy & paste this and add it under this week's feature highlight!
Re: Use custom Keyboard Shortcuts
Thank you @Fleischmann David for Sharing this tip!
Use custom Keyboard Shortcuts
Create a few custom keyboard shortcuts for your most used tools or commands. Not too many, otherwise its hard to remember all of them.
I had problems with overlapping Markups. Therefore I use F1 to hide all markups with a single button, even while using different tools, without anything in the way.
After completing the markup it´s also hidden. Don´t fortget that 😁.
For example "F1" to "Hide Markups" (all Markups) or "Hide" (single Markup´s)
Re: Highlight Text by Outline
Moved this for you, @Blaine Wordly.
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