Missouri Fire & Code Enforcement Bluebeam User Group (MFCEBUG)


While MFCEBUG officially became a Bluebeam User Group in 2023, the group’s members have been meeting for quite some time, thanks to a few local fire marshals in the St. Louis metro area. The group of fire marshals—new to Bluebeam—began meeting informally to support each other while getting up and running with Bluebeam. As word circulated among the fire service and code enforcement community, interest in this group rapidly grew.

The group is excited to be a part of the Bluebeam User Group community and welcomes all municipal code enforcement and fire department members using Bluebeam to join the group!

Meet your local BUG leaders!

Ryan Roberts

Ryan has dedicated over 35 years of service to his local community in the fire department. Now, Ryan proudly serves as the assistant chief and fire marshal for the Cottleville Fire Protection District and sits on the board of directors for the Fire Marshals Association of Missouri.

But his commitment to the community does not stop there. With a passion for learning and connecting with peers, Ryan is a founding member of this group and is excited to welcome his fellow fire and code enforcement peers to MFCEBUG.

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Owner: Angela AffLeaders: Angela AffCreated on February 5, 202411 membersPrivacy: Private