London Bluebeam User Group (LdnBUG)

About LonBUG

LondonBUG launched in October 2018 as the first Bluebeam User Group in the United Kingdom and was created to unite local design and construction professionals across the region.

LondonBUG provides a platform for industry professionals to collaborate. Knowledge sharing centres around a variety of topics including Bluebeam best practices, innovating workflows, digital collaboration and trending industry topics. LondonBUG welcomes all levels of Revu® users to the group.

Companies Involved

Hilson Moran ▪️ MPB Structures Limited ▪️ Foster + Partners ▪️ Honeywell


The BUG needs a local champion to lead the group! Interested in bringing your local industry peers together? Learn more about becoming a BUG Champion.

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Owner: Angela AffLeaders: Angela Aff, Nerissa, EmmaCreated on February 5, 20248 membersPrivacy: Private