Edmonton Bluebeam User Group (EDMBUG)
About EdmBUG
Edmonton Bluebeam User Group, fondly nicknamed EdmBUG, made its debut in October 2019, becoming the first BUG in Canada. Edmonton has been long known as an energy city but with the recent changes in the world, the region’s AECO teams have become increasingly reliant on the latest technologies to stay ahead of developments.
EdmBUG provides a powerful venue for its members to connect, knowledge-share, and stay up-to-date on the latest trends impacting the industry. The group embraces the power of peer-sharing and collaboration and discusses creative workflows, tips and tricks, and digital innovations.
EdmBUG empowers its members to be the champion influencers in their own companies and welcomes all Bluebeam users looking to build upon their skills to join the group!
The Edmonton BUG needs a local champion to lead the group! Interested in bringing your local industry peers together? Learn more about becoming a BUG Champion.