💥 This one is as simple as adding ruler tick marks to line and polyline tools you already have. When used with the appropriate scale, you get a whole series of measurements along a line all at once, instead of taking multiple individual linear measurements. Perhaps this is the initial phase of development for my other idea about scaled axes.
For certain interpretations by graphical methods and showing foundations on cross-sections, I often need to extend the vertical axis beyond what what been provided by others. It would also be helpful to have ruler tick marks at a finer scale than what has been provided by other - for example, tick marks at one foot spacing instead of 20 foot.
If the ruler feature works with polylines, including arcs, it could even be used to approximate stationing along a polyline that follows an alignment - very useful when working with old plans where the station equation is not legible.
Then add numbers to the tick marks need to display numbers from a user-defined starting and/or ending point - whether, for example, it is depths every 5 feet starting from 20 feet or stationing every 100 feet starting from 6120+00 or even follow a user-defined logical pattern, like A, B, C, … or the Fibonacci Sequence.