The markup grips for various tools do not work well together, especially if you want to align one edge of an ellipse to the edge of a line (as an example), it aligns the outside edge of the elipse to the center of the line. This happens with many of the tools and makes it tough to have things look professional. Suggest using the same grips locations between all of the markup tools. Have all of the grips on the various markup tools be located at the same point on each of the markups. As an example, the grip on a line is the center point of the line thickness, while the grip on an arc is at the outside edge of the thickness (so, how do you align the outside edge of a line to the outside edge of an arc if both elements are already drawn?). This does not allow the two to snap together. Another example is rectangles. The grip on a rectangle is on the four outermost edges of the rectangle's thickness. If you want to snap a line, polyline, etc to a side of the rectangle you cannot snap to it and have a common edge.