Using the autoform generator, it creates checkboxes appropriately; however I would like the ability to convert those checkboxes to radio control - where only one checkbox can be selected at a time; To my knowledge there isn't a way to do this without deleting the existing checkbox, creating a radio control, and then changing the appearance to look like a check box.
From the forms pallet on the left when I right click on the check box, the only options are rename and delete; I would like if it there was add to Radio group option.
Additionally when you're on the forms pallet, the list of all the objects are available - it would be awesome if you could just drag an existing check box into a group and bluebeam would automatically know to make the conversion to a radio control and keep the same styling.
Right now when I drag a checkbox to the radio group, the mouse cursor changes to a circle with a slash through it to indicate "no" you can't do this.