Help installing OCR back into my revu 20
I had the OCR plug in or whatever it is called. Tried to use it and received
Revu’s Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software must be installed to scan documents for text.
I downloaded the installed the MSI package for my 64 bit version of Revu. I clicked on the OCR MSI FIle yet I am clueless as the OCR error message shown above still is popping up. The help page says read the deployment guide. The closed the door as i do not see any guide in the package i downloaded. Any help is appreciated. I have attached a screen shot of the MSI package I downloaded. I do not understand how this worked and all of a sudden tonight it no longer does.
Best Answer
I believe this guide will help you get where you need to be:
Bluebeam® Revu® 20 Deployment Guide | Bluebeam Technical Support
Ok Ms. Ashley thank you. I will return to my office in one week. I’ll try this at that time and let you know if I need any more assistance.
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