Can you save search result hyperlinks as markups to transfer to revised drawings?
I'm using the search function to create custom hyperlinks to navigate around a set of architectural drawings between joinery items, finishes etc that cannot be linked using page labels.
Ultimately I want to be able to transfer these hyperlinks to revised drawings as they come in rather than having to manually set them up again. It's to my understanding that they will need to be markups for this to work correctly.
However when I add the hyperlinks via the search function the highlighted hyperlinks do not appear in the markups list. I've used batch linking to create hyperlinks via page labels and these do appear as a "Highlight" markup.
Can anyone help with me a solution for this?
Best Answer
I don't use hyperlinks these days but couldn't you just replace the old sheet with the new one and the hyperlinks remain (assuming you check this box)?
Legend, that worked thank you. I had tried this originally but didn't think to try over a larger range. But with a few tweaks it did in fact work for an entire set of documents.
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