Studio session alert interface - group and sort by name or company
I use studio sessions for concurrent submittal review by LARGE teams. I often have to notify multiple people. Scrolling and picking them one at a time without being able to sort any column is unnecessarily hard. The dialogue box says "alert attendee or group" but has no apparent group functionality.
I'd love it if the alert fields included name first, name last, company so they could be sorted. Even better if I could create "groups" so I can send an alert to pre-designated group instead of hunting them down one at a time. Thanks for your consideration
You can certainly make groups for your alert distribution. Go into the Session Settings and the Permissions tab. Click the icon on the left that looks like a person outline with the gear icon. This lets you create a group named what you like and you can include any emails of those that should participate in that group.
Now when you go to the option to Alert Attendee for a markup, the groups will be at the top of the list.
Ken Phelps
Sr. Product Specialist, USCAD
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Ah yes - the group dialogue that requires me to manually enter email addresses instead of showing me the list of existing session members. I will try that.
My original request about being able to sort session members in the alerts dialogue still stands.
Thanks for the reply.
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