Custom Script to Refresh Document Headers/Footers

Caitlin Rudy
Caitlin Rudy Posts: 4
edited September 2024 in Product Ideas & Feedback

Hello all, I want to write a script that refreshes the headers/footers for some documentation. The code below is what I have so far and it formats the footer correctly. The problem is this script cannot delete the existing header to overwrite it, and so it cannot "refresh" the header, only apply it the first time.

HeaderAndFooter("", "", "", "<<Project>> - <<PageLabel>>", "DOC: <<Title>> - <<1 of n>>", "REV: <<Revisor>> - <<MM/dd/yy>>", 36, 36, 36, 36, "Arial Narrow", 10, true, false, false, "Black", false, 0, "bkey", "-1")

Is there a script / function that can overwrite headers, or is there a better way to approach this problem?

Thank you!

2 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • Is this impossible to anyone's knowledge?

  • Marco M
    Marco M Posts: 175

    Hi @Caitlin Rudy,

    Unfortunately, this isn't available right now. However, I'll move this post to our Product Ideas & Feedback category to be voted on for visibility and so our Product team can take it into consideration.

    Thanks for posting!

  • Thank you, Marco! Much appreciated.