You're invited 😄 Join Us for the 2024 Bluebeam Live!

👋 Hello, Bluebeam Community!

We're hitting the road and are excited to invite our Bluebeam Community to join us at Bluebeam Live!, an epic one-day event.

🤝What to expect at Bluebeam Live!

This event brings the Bluebeam Community experience to life and is. Enjoy:

  • Hands-on training sessions
  • Engage with Bluebeam leaders
  • Connect with fellow Bluebeam users face-to-face.

It’s a unique opportunity to deepen your Bluebeam knowledge, network with peers, and get the most out of our tools and features.

🌎️Here’s where you can find us:

  • Sep 10: Miami, Florida
  • Sep 25: Los Angeles, California
  • Oct 23: New York City, New York
  • Oct 30: London, England

💴Cost to attend?

  • $0 (priceless!)

🙌Excited to join us?

  • Register for your city's Bluebeam Live! event here!

👇️Feel free to drop any questions or comments below—we’re here to help! 
