full use of tools....??
![George Hobel](https://us.v-cdn.net/6038146/uploads/defaultavatar/n9GGKRXG0Y9NH.jpg)
so i purchased bluebeam revu two years ago… fantastic product.. works amazingly on my lap top… im trying to get it to work on my desktop as well, but the tools are greyed out… Its utterly impossible to get any customer service… how can i correct this?
What version of BB are you using? Revu 20, 21? Basic, Core?
Have you confirmed you've entered the registration key and it's recognized?
Can you work on Bluebeam Cloud?
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If you're using Revu 21, have you signed out of your laptop before logging onto your deskktop?
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George, this happens frequently on Revu 21 when people don't sign in to the software. Open Revu and look at the top right corner. If it says SIGN IN, go ahead and log in with you account. If it shows your name, click that, choose sign out, then sign back in.
When you click on your name in the top right corner, it should show your account name and list which type of license you have. The license may vary slightly depending on which version of Bluebeam you have installed. For Revu 21, the 3 license types are called: Basics, Core, and Complete.
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If you purchased the software a couple years ago, that was probably Revu 20. This is a perpetual license that is tied to the device it was initally registered to. It will only be viable to run on that particular device. You can however unregister that laptop license, and then reregister to the desktop and vice versa to move the license around. you'll need your serial number and product key to be able to move the license around. This is one of the benefits of Revu 21 since the license is tied to your credentials and not a device. Meaning it can float with you as you need access across different platforms. If you are current on Revu 21, as mentioned earlier, be sure you're logged in by clicking the email on the top right corner of the software.
Ken Phelps
Sr. Product Specialist, USCAD
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I am experiencing a similar thing.
I downloaded the trial version, and all the tools are grayed out. I want to be sure it is for me before I purchase it.
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