Tool Chest Tool
Hello everyone,
We use Bluebeam for quantity takeoff. The bill of quantities rarely has the same items, which is why we create a new tool chest for each project.
Is there a tool that makes it easier to copy the items of an Excel table and not each item individually?
It would be useful to have a tool that recognises the units and creates the tool accordingly.
Have a nice day
I helped a customer with a similar question only last week. I see your point and think it's an interesting idea, but at this point, Bluebeam can't do that. So, what can we do?
I will be general without knowing what you are creating a quantity take-off for.
The key is to use Choice Columns and import data from Excel as a .csv file for each Choice Column.
Align the Choice Column options to the Subject name of the Markup (takeoff).
Let's use an example of an electrical item: lights
1. Build a toolset of all the fundamental types: downlight, spotlight, striplight, etc. E.g. 8 different types
2. Create a Choice Column of the different globes needed: fluorescent, LED, Edison, etc. E.g. 5 different types
3. Create a Choice Column of the different lumens needed: 40, 60, 80 etc. EG 6 different types
At this stage, in this example, you have 8 types x 5 globles x 6 lumen options = 240 potential options.
4. If you want specific part numbers, create a list in Excel, import it via .csv into a Choice Column and use it in your takeoffHave a look at this support article and look out for the section "Import material choice items"
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