Easier path, less steps to save a PDF to an iPad

When working on a PDF with Bluebeam on an iPad there are too many steps to save that PDF to the iPad for storage and use by other applications.

The lengthy steps needed to save a PDF to an iPad make it difficult and cumbersome to use Bluebeam for editing and marking up PDF on an iPad.

Thank you for working on fixing this.

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Active · Last Updated


  • Right now the path to save a PDF edited with Bluebeam on an iPad are:

    1. Select the Send To icon 
    2. Select Open In from the options 
    3. Then Save to Files 
    4. From here you can choose to save files to On my iPad or iCloud 

    This is a pretty lengthy process just to save an edited PDF.

    Four steps is too many just to save an edited PDF.
    Please simplify the process of saving an edited PDF to an iPad.

    Thank you