2 drawings from the same file simultaneously
I would like to open 2 drawings from the same file simultaneously and be able to mark up both of them; can I do that in Sessions? in the cloud. As a Mac user; I can only use Bluebeam in the cloud.
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In the desktop app, there is a possibility to see the same document in either side-by-side or stacked tabs. Not sure if the same is possible in the cloud, especially on the Mac.
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@Bob Caine I was able to do this in cloud projects but not sessions. I open another Safari window with Command+N and opened Bluebeam cloud in each window.
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I could do that in cloud projects also. I’m looking for a way to do it in sessions if possible?
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Not at the moment. I am looking into moving this comment to a product suggestion for the Bluebeam Cloud. My understanding is that you would like to either be able to use split view in Bluebeam Cloud or be able to open multiple windows of the same cloud studio session. This would allow you to navigate to a different drawing in each window. Is that right?
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