How would you like to meet?

Typically, the Spokane BUG would meet 2-3 a year. As we relaunch, we wanted to consider what type of meeting works best. Please select the type of meeting you prefer and feel free to elaborate how and why. In-person meetings would most likely be at the Bissinger Room but can be hosted elsewhere depending on who hosts/sponsors the meeting.

How would you like to meet? 1 vote

Only in-person
Only virtual
Hybrid (combined, in-person and virtual)
Angela Aff 1 vote
Mixture (some of each)
Other (telepathically?)


  • In person meetings would be preferred, but I know that isn't convenient for everyone. So, a mix of in-person and virtual would be the best option.

  • Angela Aff
    Angela Aff Posts: 117
    Hybrid (combined, in-person and virtual)

    Thanks for the input @Cassandra P.! Cast your vote above :)

  • I tried to vote, and I got this pop up? Very strange.

  • Angela Aff
    Angela Aff Posts: 117
    Hybrid (combined, in-person and virtual)

    That's odd, @Cassandra P. ! We''ll check that out!