Account administration - Users
With the now added LAST LOGIN column it would help with the ability to “search” and “sort bv date” on the Last login column - Currently only available on the “Status” column
Thank you for your feedback! This is something we would love to explore in the near future to help make user management easier for our customers. What is the biggest benefit to having the ability to search and sort by date for the last login column? Would it help you save time in managing users?
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Very much so - the management of current accounts and freeing up of licenses
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Also, When you do "export to excel" it doesn't export the last login date so you still can't sort to find out who isn't using the software.
I'd really like to know who isn't using the software so we can give the license to users who need it.
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Loged in to the comunity to post what both Authors allready posted, i am also in need of both requests from previous authors. Sort on last login date and at least be able to have the last login date exported to excel.
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Agree with the previous comments. It's impossible to tell who is actually using the software vs just having the license
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