I submit a request about the printing of drawings, measurements and markups that are in specific layers.
I draw measurements in buildings to demolish or to construct, on an architect et engineer drawing; I design one layer for unique elements, one layer for elements on the ground, one layer for vertical elements on walls, one layer for elements on ceiling and so on.., say 1 general layer and 4 specific layers.
Thereafter I design 4 configuration of layers in the Layers panel, to show the General layer (name, date …) and only one of the 4 layers (unique, ground, walls or ceiling) to make a clearer view.
But when I print the file, which layers are printed obey the rules of the properties of the each layer itself (activated or desactivated or by default) but NOT depending of my configuration of layers.
So the result is a “blank” page (not the interesting layers —> no use) or a mess of layers (—> no use).
Could it be possible that what is printed depends on the Layer Configuration that I chose pecially to get a clear view of the markups ?