Subfolder or Grouping functionality in Studio

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  • EnsoMoran
    EnsoMoran Posts: 3

    I accidently hit enter and it posted before I filled out the body of the message. Also when I say Studio I ment the Sessions tools in blubeam studio

    But the title says most of it, it would be nice to be able to create groups or folder within the "Documents" window in a Sessions so that we can Archive older drawings and mark-up sets in the same Session. Ideally when the session is complete the folder or group structure is mimicked in the output file that that we can easily integrate it into our local drives.

  • Alan A.
    Alan A. Posts: 48

    Hi @EnsoMoran,

    Thank you so much for reaching out to us about a subfolder or grouping capability for Studio Sessions, and we've taken note of your request. While we may not be able to accommodate every feature request, we greatly value knowing which features are important to you. Could you elaborate on why you would like to archive older drawings within a session rather than on a local drive?

    Please let us know if there’s anything else we can do or if you have any other questions. We look forward to collaborating in the future.  

  • EnsoMoran
    EnsoMoran Posts: 3

    I think the main reason for this feature would be to be able to more easily keep track of different revisions to the same drawings.

    For example, electrical finishes their set of schematic drawings on 01/01, so they name their file "2024-01-01-Electrical Set". The QC manager comes in and makes a bunch of mark ups and then the draftsman makes the changes in ACAD and plots out a new PDF set. Now they name the new updated file "2024-02-02-Electrical Set", which is great because we can track the changes to a drawing in Bluebeam session and every one can see the changes but if you multiply this process by 4 or 5 trades and a few rounds a QC and then the Bluebeam Session browser gets a little cluttered.

    It would be nice to have one of two options, either to replace an existing file uploaded or to be able to create groups within the browser so that things can be easily organized as the project progresses.

    An example of the first option might be something similar to creating an "Electrical Set" then every time we QC the drawings a create a new PDF we can replace the same file but the old file gets archived and is still able to be accessed through the life of the bluebeam session.

    An example of the second option might be something similar to being able to create a group called "First Round of Mark-ups" put all the PDFs from all the trades in that group and then make another group called "Second Round of Markups" for the updated set of PDFs.

    I think the main area where I can see improvement in the bluebeam session is the ability to organize the PDF browser area to find/search/sort/group all the PDFs that might be added to the session.

  • Adding features to organize and search BB Sessions would be extremely helpful. I have dozens of open sessions. Most were created outside my organization. Other organizations use their own nomenclature which does not match ours.

    I suggest adding the following functions for Session: Alias names(for sorting based on internal nomenclature), search function, folders or groups.

  • This would be great. We try to keep the same Bluebeam session open for clients/owners during project development. We often need to keep the current reviewed drawings available while uploading a drawings for additional comments. As time goes on, the list becomes long and people get lost on what file is current (regardless what date is in the file name). Being able to create folders for old files would be a great way to keep the list relevant to what is current. We also have sessions for a group that may be working on a few different tasks. Being able to create a folder for each cluster of documents would be a great organizational improvement.