Double-click to edit text in a group does not work as it used to

It appears that a new "feature" was added to show a pop-up when double-clicking a grouped markup. Can you please add an option to disable this behavior? Not only this pop-up is useless because it's too big and we can't control its size, this pop-up also prevents me from using most of my markup tools that are built using text and shapes. Previously, I would just double-click the text I want to edit in the group and change it. Now, I get this stubborn pop-up. 🤦♂️
I have the same issue, just installed a copy of Bluebeam on a new computer and now my toolsets don't work, I assume that my old computer had an older version of Bluebeam on it. Anyway, its a huge problem for me, came here looking for an answer.
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Others have the same issue. @birwin see discussion below. @Marco M promised this will be fixed in v21.5. Not sure how long that will take, but until then I'm stuck ungrouping/grouping markup.
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