Secure Tool Sets with a password
While I understand it is great to be able to export and share tools, many of our customers build or pay to create premium tools to enhance their business set them apart from their competition. One of the common things we hear from our larger customers is that they want a way to be able to protect their tools (by password or something similar) so that employees can't take them with them if they leave or share them outside of their organization. Good tools and tool sets can take a lot of time and resources to create and should have the option to be protected for use for those who invest in them.
Interesting dilemma. Do you have any examples of toolsets that shouldn't be shared (wink, wink)
Joking aside, I can see why a company would want this but I disagree with this mindset. I've seen the same thought process in architecture but in the end, it's just combining existing tools in useful ways. And I doubt they paid much mind when they benefited from someone else sharing knowledge.
That said, I still upvoted this because it should be an option for those companies.
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Thanks Luke. I am all about sharing knowledge and have never been one to keep good ideas and education to myself. It's how we all grow! That said, tools can take a lot of time and money to develop and for large companies and contractors that are spending the resources to develop it, I can understand why they want to have the option of keeping their tools in house, just like they may want to keep trade secrets safe:)
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