Window snapping and window behavior

Angelo C.
Posts: 1
I would like to suggest a couple of enhancements to improve the user experience for those of us who utilize multitasking workflows.
- Enhanced Window Snapping Functionality:
It would be incredibly beneficial if Bluebeam Review could incorporate the ability to snap to various portions of the screen when hovering over the maximize window icon, similar to the functionality available in Windows 11. This feature would greatly enhance productivity, especially for users working with ultra-wide or mega-wide screens, such as my 49-inch display. Having the option to easily snap the application to different sections of the screen would allow for better workspace organization and multitasking. - Improved Window Behavior:
Currently, Bluebeam tends to override other open applications and file explorer windows, making it challenging to efficiently switch between tasks. I often find that when I open a file folder or another application, Bluebeam remains dominant on the screen, requiring me to manually minimize or reposition it. It would be helpful if the software allowed other applications to come to the forefront without interference, ensuring a smoother workflow when working across multiple windows.
I appreciate your continuous efforts to improve the software and hope these suggestions can be considered for future updates. Thank you for your time and dedication to providing a great product.
Your point #2 sounds like this issue here:
Bug? Bluebeam Hijacks my Windows File Explorer Window — Bluebeam Community
which we addressed in 21.4 which recently was released
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