How can I change measurements, dimensions & calibration, from architectural to engineering units?
Ah, yes. I poked around and found this. When a dimension is selected, these options show up at the top. Switch to the ft option and it will give you decimal feet.
You should have engineering scales as an option when you set the scale on the sheet. Are you looking for something other than what's available or do you mean something different?
Luke thanks - I mean different. After setting a custom scale for a certain drawing sheet (that's an engineering plan) I want dimensioning (measurements) to show as e.g. 23.25 ft, and 106.5 ft, and not as e.g. 23'-3", and 106'-6".
In other words decimal feet.
So who remembers poking around in units menus in AutoCAD and discovering that they go all the way up to LIGHTYEARS!?!