
Attempting to 'Automark' a plan set using a recent webinar that Ryan and Harry presented on. In the data box, I am only getting the preview to be the Region 1/Region 2 as shown below. Also, in the attached thumbnail photo, I'm not sure why the red box is so large. Scaling is not important to me during automarking, but maybe it is for the software to work properly.
Any tips or tricks would be appreciated, thanks!
Hi @B.Bridges!
Thanks for including images! In the Thumbnails Panel, the large red box is showing that the page isn't zoomed in. Take a look at my example below. I am zoomed in on the title block; in the Panel, my red block is tiny now.
Being zoomed in allows me to focus on the content I want to gather. In my example, the blue boxes show the regions I selected.
I might recommend turning on visibility of Page Labels (top of Thumbnails panel), so that you can see them in the panel to assess whether they are good or not after running the process.
Let us know if things improve or if more assistance is needed!
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@Ryan Arbuckle, I really appreciate you reaching out!
Page labeling issue resolved.
As you mentioned, I have zoomed in close to capture what I need, say page numbering. But the preview still does not populate…still says Region1/Region 2.
Once thing I notice, is that the red boxes in the thumbnails continue to move around with the mouse, when I'm trying to select my region 2 content on main screen.
Hope my comments make sense and I have watched this portion on webinar many times, but still can't get it to go.
Thanks, Blake
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