Leading Zeros in sequences not working

It would be great for our use case (marking up construction plans) if you could specify the number of leading zeros to make a sequence like below:

001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 007, 008, 009, 010, 011

Currently if you try adding leading zeros it will look like this (clearly not right):

001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 007, 008, 009, 0010, 0011

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  • bcostlow
    bcostlow Posts: 10

    I definitely feel the same frustrations but I wouldn't say that the sequence doesn't work. It does exactly as it was designed, but I think it would be great if we could somehow identify the number of digits we want to end up with, using the leading zero to fill the gaps.

    My company tags conduit runs with a 000.0 format, so the first conduit is 000.0, and then 001.0, 002.0, etc.

    This means we create a custom tool that tags the first conduit as "000.0" and then the next tool leads with two 0s until we reach 009.0. Then the next tool leads with one 0 until 099.0. Then onto the next. The decimal place is for when there is a junction before the final termination of the run. So, all the other tools have a trailing .0, but the one's that follow the decimal sequence have to be manually adjusted every time.

    All-in-all the sequence function is great, but in our use cases, it's just not a powerful enough function yet. Hopefully we can get an improvement to it someday.

    BIM Designer - Columbus, OH