Problem with page numbering in Navigation Bar
Steve F
Posts: 2
in Peer Support
I have a large document that is the Exhibits to a contract. In updating the file, replacing pages that have been modified to keep the document current, the page numbering is now off. The first 144 pages of the document are in sequence, but at page 145, the number outside the parenthesis resets to 1. Is there a way to get it reset so everything is in sync again?
Best Answers
Steve, yes very easy way to do this.
- Open the document and go to your thumbnail view (the 4 squares)
- In this view there is a dropdown in the Thumbnails view
- Select Number pages
- Style: 1,2,3
- Start: 1
- Make sure to select all pages
This will renumber all your pages.
2 -
Thank you. That solved it.
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